Job Runner

If the webhook occurs due to the completion of Stripe Payment Intent


The condition is met when the event that triggers the webhook is “Stripe payment completed.”

Determine whether it is the payment_intent.succeeded event of the event name of Stripe.

How to Use

This condition is combined with other “when to execute” conditions. For example, combine with “When the Webhook Starts”.

Unlike “If the webhook occurs due to the completion of Stripe Checkout Session”, the condition is met when the person who purchased has actually completed the payment process. For example, when the person who purchased chooses convenience store payment, the “Stripe payment completion” occurs **not **when the “Pay” button is pressed on the payment link or checkout session screen, but at the stage when the amount is actually paid at the convenience store.


There are no parameters to be set.

Condition Inverter

Reversing this condition changes it to “If the webhook does not occur due to the completion of Stripe Payment Intent.”


  • It is not available for scheduled tasks.