
Add Label at Spacer


Places the label at the specified location (space).

Set text to added labels (old), you can use theYou can change the text displayed on the screen depending on your situation.


This will be an older version, so you can use the New Version for more information.

Get ready

Make sure you have a space field in place to label your app.

How to use

Parameters to set

Set Name, Location, and Text to Display.


Type a name that identifies the name of the item. This name does not appear on the kintone screen. Set Text to Added Label to specify which label to set.


Specify the space field in which to place the label. You can have more than one label for a single space field.

Text to display

Specifies the text to display on the screen.

It is possible to decorate characters using HTML tags.


Cannot be used in the list screen.

Smartphone app is not supported.