Job Runner

If the field value is a specific value


The action is determined by comparing the specified field value with the comparison value.

How to Use

Check whether at least one record meets the conditions in specified records. If there is more than one record that meets the conditions, the action will be executed limited to the records that meet the conditions. If there are no records that meet the conditions, no action will be taken.

The action with this condition set and subsequent actions will only retrieve the rows limited by this condition when retrieving the record with the action number specified in “Record”.


Set Record, Field, Criteria, and Comparison value.


Select the action to retrieve records with the fields you want to compare.

If there are no records, the action will not be executed regardless of whether the condition is inverted. In other words, if no records exist, the action will not be executed, either “If the field value is a specific value” or “If the field value is not a specific value.”


Select the fields that should be evaluated during the comparison.

Note that this parameter does not accept the following field types:

  • Attachment
  • Table
  • Related Records
  • Field group
  • Blank space

This parameter does not accept fields that are inside tables.


You can select a condition as referring follows:

Comparison value

Enter the value to compare the field’s value. The parameter accepts the following inputs:

Condition Inverter

Clicking the Condition Inverter will change the condition to “If the field value is not a specific value.”

Suppose if the field value is not a specific value. In that case, if there are one or more records that do not meet the specified field value conditions, the action will be executed only for those records.