Job Runner

Filter Retrieved Records


Filter the retrieved records only for those that match the specified conditions.


You need to retrieve the records before you can use this Do. Use Dos such as Retrieve All records or Retrieve Records by Providing Key to do this.

The results of the Filter Retrieved Records can be used in another action as a result of the action that placed this Do.

You can connect the Filter Retrieved Records action to the next action When One Record is ready to perform an action for each record row that matches the filter. In this case, if no record matches the criteria, the next action is not taken.

If you want to process the refined records together, connect them with When All Records Are Ready or When Other Actions Are Completed. If connected with When All Records Are Ready, action is not taken if there are no records that match. In the case of When Other Actions Are Completed will be executed even if there is no matching record.

This action does not the source recods. For example:

  • Action: Retrieve All records
  • Action: Filter Retrieved Records (source record = 1).

You can refer to the result of action 1 ($1) to get all the records, and you can refer to the result of action 2 ($2) to get the record after refining.

If you want to combine multiple criteria with (AND), you can Filter Retrieved Records results into another Filter Retrieved Records. You cannot connect with (OR).


Set Record, Condition Field, Criteria, and Comparison Value.


Select the Action you used to retreive the target records.

You cannot select the Action you are currently using.

Condition Field

Select the Condition Field to filter from the record Before Filtering app.

The following fields cannot be deleted:

  • Attachment
  • Table
  • Related records
  • Group


Select a comparison method, such as equal or large.

Comparison value

Use this parameter to specify the value that the field value should be evaluated against. The parameter accepts the following inputs:

About Filtering by Fields in a Destination table

If you specify a field in the destination table as the condition field, the following occurs:

  • If records are derived from Retrieve table Row, they will be filtered to be considered as row by row record.
  • Otherwise, records that have at least one row in the Destination table that satisfy the filter Criteria will be included in the filter result.

Occurrence of record Retrieval Criteria

Criteria Occurrence
“When record Row Is Ready”
“When All record Rows Are Ready”

If no record matches the refinement criteria, neither will occur.