Job Runner

Add Records from Date Range


Add as many records as the number of dates to the specified app based on the date range.


Place the action to Set Kintone API Token before the action to Add Records from Date Range.

If you want to specify the beginning or end of the month as the Date range, Get Specific Date beforehand.

When the action is executed, a new record is created for one record per day from the Start Date to the End Date.

For example, if the start date is 2021-02-01 and the end date is 2021-02-28, a total of 28 records will be created for 28 days. The Date fields of the first record are set to 2021-02-01, the second record is set to 2021-02-02, the third record is set to 2021-02-03, and so on, and the Date fields of the last record are set to 2021-02-28. This date will be referred to as the expanded date for convenience throughout this document.

Set the set of records that you have added as the result value of the action, which can be referenced by expressions such as “=$1”. However, you can only see fields set with date fields being mapped.

If one Add Records from Date Range field values as you would like, you can set the Whether to reflect immediately parameter to Do Not Immediately Reflect (reflect all together later) to allow subsequent actions to processing the field values against the additional record. You can make further field value changes to the records by passing the Add Records from Date Range result Value as the record parameter to a type of Do that changes the field value like Set Field Value or Add Selection to Field .


Set Destination App, API Token, Date Fields, Start Date, End Date, Mapping, and Whether to reflect immediately.

Destination App

Select app to add new records.

API Token for destination app

Specify the API Token to access the Destination app. Choose from the actions to Set Kintone API Token.

The API Token must have Add record permission.

Date field

Select the field for which you want to set the expanded date value.

Only fields of the date type can be selected. The datetime field cannot be selected. This parameter does not accept fields inside tables.

Start Date

End Date

Specify the start date and end date.

The current day of the end date is also included in the record add target.

If the start date is later than the end date, no record is created, and no error will occur.

Expressions can be specified. For example, you can reference the result of Get Specific Date as =$1.


Enter the information you want to register in the record.

See Field Mapping Description for detailed descriptions of this parameter.

You can use @out in this Mapping. The contents of @out are set to the expanded Date in the Field specified in the Date Fields, so you can reference it. For example, if the Field code for the Date Fields was Date_1, and you want to copy the expanded date value and set it in another Field, specify the Mapping to that Field as follows:

= @out.Date

You can also override the Values of the Fields specified in the Date Fields in this Mapping. If you omit Mapping for Date Fields, the expanded Dates remain.

Whether to reflect immediately

If you select Do not propagate immediately (aggregate later), the action will not be immediately reflected in the Kintone app. It will be a movement to save to Kintone app after accumulating some amount.

“Reflect immediately” reflects the record addition to the Kintone app as soon as the action is executed. If you want subsequent actions to get the records back from Kintone, choose Reflect Immediately.

Occurrence of record Retrieval Criteria

Criteria Occurrence
“When record Row Is Ready” It doesn’t happen.
“When All record Rows Are Ready” It doesn’t happen.

Webhook notification

This Do does not trigger webhook notifications in the target app.