Job Runner

Convert Record Columns to Rows


Expand the record to one record per specified column field.


This Do behaves in a complex way as this example:

Conversion Example

In the figure above, the converting app represents a team’s performance with one record per year, with quarterly points recorded in four fields. In the converted app, it is represented by one record per quarter. This example converts Q1-Q4 “columns” in the pre-convert app to “rows” in the post-convert app.

First, get the records before converting and set it to the records parameter. The field settings should be as follows:

Parameter Settings
Source Column Fields Q1~Q4
Name Destination Fields Quarterly
Value Destination Fields Points earned

Column Name Mapping should be as follows:

Convert From Field Convert Value
Q1 1
Q2 2
Q3 3
Q4 4

Conversion mapping except for converting column is as follows: Quarters and points earned should not be Mapping.

Value Set To Field
= Team Team
= Year Year

In this example, you will first have one record for each of the four columns Q1-Q4 that you want to convert. In other words, for each record converted, four records are created. Columns Q1-Q4 will be converted to Quarter Field Values based on Column Name Destination Fields and Column Name Mapping and Values Q1-Q4 will be converted to Earning Point Fields. Fields other than Q1-Q4 can be Mapping freely.

Note that in this example, the 2022 Q2-Q4 Values are empty, but these empty Values are also converted to create the record.

The result of the action is the transformed record. Note that this record has not yet been saved anywhere. It is also not automatically saved. To save the converted record, connect to “Add Records from Other Records” etc.


Set Records, Column Source Column Fields, Target App, Name Destination Field, Name Mapping, Value Destination Fields, and Conversion Mapping except for Converting Column.


Select the Action you used to retrieve the target records.

Source Column Fields

Select the Target Field from the records. Multiple selections are possible.

This parameter accepts the following field types:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Calculated
  • Radio button
  • Drop-down
  • Link
  • Date
  • Time
  • Date and time
  • Lookup (string)
  • Lookup (number)

This parameter does not accept fields that are inside tables.

Target app

Specify the destination app.

The app does not store records, but is needed to determine the list of Fields to convert to.

Name Destination Fields

Select the Target app Field for which you want to set a Value corresponding to the Source Column Fields column name. You can only select one Field.

This parameter accepts the following field types:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Calculated
  • Radio button
  • Drop-down
  • Link
  • Date
  • Time
  • Date and time
  • Lookup (string)
  • Lookup (number)

This parameter does not accept fields that are inside tables.

Column Name Mapping

Enter a Mapping of Value to be set in the Source Column FName Destination Fieldsmtid

This Mapping is a special Mapping that differs from the so-called Field Mapping in the direction of the mapping.

It is possible to use expressions similar to field mappings. In that case, the expression can reference records before convirting. Field values in the destination record are not available.

Value Destination Fields

Select the target app field for which you want to set the field value of the sourcecolumn fields. You can only select one Field.

This parameter accepts the following field types:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Calculated
  • Radio button
  • Drop-down
  • Link
  • Date
  • Time
  • Date and time
  • Lookup (string)
  • Lookup (number)

This parameter does not accept fields that are inside tables.

Conversion Mapping except for Converting Column

Define mappings to set values to fields other than Column Name Destination fields and Value Destination fields.

The Mapping dialog itself also displays Column Name Destination Fields and Column Value Destination Fields, but if you try to set Values for these Fields in Mapping, column conversion takes precedence.

Occurrence of record Retrieval Criteria

Criteria Occurrence
“When record Row Is Ready” It happens.
“When All record Rows Are Ready” It happens.

If there were no records, neither would occur.