Job Runner

Changing Process Management assignees


Change assignees on the specified records.



Set API Token, Source Record, and Assignee.

API token setting

Specify the API Token to access the destination App. Choose from the Set Kintone API Token action.

The API token must have permissions for both viewing records and managing the app.


Select the Action you used to retrieve the target records.

If this record contains multiple lines, action is taken on each record. If this record does not have any rows, nothing is done.


Specify the assignee after the change.

It can be specified as followw:

  • Specify the user login name directly.
    • Example: john
  • Specifying a user selection field value using an expression. In this case, the fields referenced will be the felds of the customized app, not the target app.
  • Example: =User selection_1
  • Use the expression to specify a fixed plurality of users by login name.
    • Example: = [“jane”, “ken”]

Webhook notification

This Do does not trigger webhook notifications in the target app.