Job Runner

Generate QR


Generate QR code as an image file.

How to Use

When you execute the action set to “Generate QR”, it generates an image file of the QR code and uploads it to Kintone. No values can be set to any record or field at this stage. After “Generate QR Code”, you can set the result of “Generate QR Code” as “$1” in the field mapping, such as “[Add Record[”, to set the QR code image in the attachment field.

The generated image file will be in PNG format.


Set Text, Kintone API Token, File Name, and Width.


Enter the text to be converted to a QR code.

To convert the value of the field into a QR code, you can use the formula as follows:

= Text_1__1

If specified in the expression, an error occurs when the value at runtime is empty.

The character limit varies depending on the types of characters in the text. Please note that the larger the amount of text, the larger the width of the QR code image needs to be.

API Token

Specify the API token for uploading the generated image file to Kintone. Select the action that has set “Set Kintone API Token”.

File Name

The file name specified here will be the file name set later in the attachment field.

If the file extension is omitted, “.png” will be added automatically.


Specify the width of the generated QR code image in pixels.

However, the actual width of the generated image will be a few pixels larger than the value specified here.

If the width value for the specified text data is extremely small, it will automatically be expanded to a sufficient width to represent the QR code. Specifying a minimal value like “1” will consistently be sized to fit the data. Be careful, as it cannot be expanded within the limit. Even if it can be expressed as an image, whether the reading device can read it is another matter, so it is recommended to specify sufficient width when dealing with significant texts.