Job Runner

Format Phone Number


Create a string converted from the phone number into the specified format.

How to Use

You can get the original phone number value by using formulas to access another field or the result of another Action.

The formatted string is set as the result of the action.

To access the conversion result, use a formula to reference this action in other actions.

For example, if the action of “Format Phone Number” is the first action, set the value in the parameter “Set Field Value” as follows:


By specifying it like this, you can extract it.


Specify Phone Number, Format, and Country Code or Region Code.

Phone Number

Specify the phone number before conversion.

To access the value of another field, enter the field code as follows:

= Text_1_2

Insert an equals sign “=” before the field code to access the value of that field.


Select the type of format after conversion.

  • For Japan, it would be 090-0000-0000, and for the United States, it would be (201) 000-0000, which are the formats specific to each region.
  • National (numbers only): It will be in a form that removes non-numeric symbols such as hyphens and parentheses from the format of “National”.
  • International: It will be the standard format for international calls. The plus sign “+” and the country code will be at the beginning For Japan, it will be in the format of +81 90-0000-0000.
  • E.164: It is a format according to the international standard called E.164. It will be in the form of +919000000000.

Country Code or Region Code

Specify which country’s phone number to interpret when the number specified in “Phone Number” does not include the country code.

Specify as JP for Japan and US for the United States. Alternatively, if it’s Japan, it is possible to specify using the international phone country code, such as 81.