Job Runner

Create String for Search


In Kintone, when searching on values of Text fields, “single character search in Japanese” or “partial match of alphanumeric characters” is impossible. To address this, this Dow can create a search field that also supports “Japanese single character search” or “partial alphanumeric match” from the value of the source field to search.


In advance, in your Kintone form, create a search-only dummy field for that field, separate from the field you want to search. For example, if the field you want to search for is Customer Code, create a field like Customer Code (for search).

Under Create String for Search, specify Customer Code for the source field and Customer Code (for Search) for the field to set the search string in the example above.

To search on the search field you just created, customize the Kintone App by Putting Keyword Search Form on List Page. The Search Criteria Field should be the Customer Code (for Search) used in the above example.

* This method is not available for Putting Simple Search Form on List Page of a customized version of kintone App because it searches for an exact match.

The created search string is also set as the result of the action. However, only those for the last one will be set if multiple records exist.

If you perform this Do, the field value is changed from its original value, and records are reserved for saving. Updated records are not saved immediately but automatically after all actions in the job are finished. Use Save Modified Record to save the updated records at a different time.

You will need an API Token with the edit record permission for the app when autosaving. Make sure to Set Kintone API Token in another action and set the API Token for the Kintone app, if you want to save the Modified Source Record at a different time.


Set Record, Source Field, and Field to Set Search String.


Select the Action you used to retrieve the target records.

If multiple records are included, it is processed for each record. If there are no records, nothing is done.

If more than one record is included, only the results of the action for the last one remain.

Source Field

Specify the field that contains the value you want to search for.

Running Create String for Search does not change the value of the source field.

This parameter accepts the following field types:

  • Text
  • Text area

You cannot include fields in tables.

Field to Set Search String

Specify the destination field to set the value corresponding to a Japanese single-character search or partial alphanumeric match against the value of the source field.

Running Create String for Search will overwrite the value in this Field.

This parameter accepts the following field types:

  • Text

You cannot include fields in tables.


  • Values in the Source Field must have 64 characters or less. Values longer than 65 characters cause an error when performing customization.

  • You cannot select the same field for Source Field and Field to Set Search String.