Job Runner

Copy Attachments


Copy attachments.


A temporary attachment copy is exported to Kintone when this Do is executed. The temporary copy consumes a portion of your Kintone domain’s allotted disk usage. The Do does not export the copy to a field.

If you specify an Attachment field containing multiple files, the Do will create copies of all the files.

To export the temporary copies to a field in another record, add an Action running another Do (e.g. “Add New Record) and use that Action’s Field Mapping parameter to specify the field that should receive the copy.

Example: Create a new record and export an attachment copy to a field in that new record

  1. Set an Action that runs the Do “Copy Attachments.” Assume that the Action Number is “1.”
  2. Next, open the “Mapping” menu of “Add New Record”, find the Attachment field that should receive the file and enter the formula “=$1.” (If the Action Number for “Copy Attachments” is #2, change the formula to “=$2”.)


Set Record, API Token, and Source Attachment Field.


Select the Action you used to retrieve the target records.

If multiple records are included, it is processed for each record. If there are no records, nothing is done.

When an action contains multiple records, its result value is the combined copies of all of those source attachments.

API Token

Specify the API token for the source or the destination Kintone app. You do not have any specific permissions.

Source Attachment Field

Select the Attachment field that contains the file you want to copy.

You cannot include fields in a table.