Retrieve customer information passed from Stripe’s Webhook.
In Stripe’s Webhook, get customer information from the information provided by Stripe. It cannot be obtained from Kintone’s Webhook.
To receive Webhooks from Stripe in Job Runner, you need to configure it on Stripe, not in the Kintone app. On Stripe, go to Developers > Webhook > Add Endpoint and register the Job Runner job’s Webhook URL in the Endpoint URL.
Currently, the events supported by Customine for Stripe are Checkout Session Completed (checkout.session.completed) and Payment Succeeded (payment_intent.succeeded). Get Customer Information Passed from Stripe’s Webhook can be used in the Checkout Session Completed (checkout.session.completed) event. An error occurs if used in the Payment completed (payment_intent.succeeded) event.
The customer information that can be obtained is the content entered by the purchaser of the product on the payment screen. Items that are not required for input and were not filled in by the purchaser will be left blank.
The acquired customer information will be set as a result of the action. For the content of customer information, please refer to Stripe’s documentation (in English) . To retrieve “email” from the document above, you can use the following expression, assuming the action “Get Customer Information Passed from Stripe’s Webhook” was the first action.
= $
There are no parameters to be set.
The obtained information is not a Kintone record; it will not occur under any conditions.
Criteria | Occurrence |
When Record Is Ready | It does not occur. |
When All Records Are Ready | It does not occur. |
When the created Webhook is called from Kintone, executing “Get Customer Information Passed from Stripe’s Webhook” results in an error. Register the Webhook using “Get Customer Information Passed from Stripe’s Webhook” to Stripe’s Webhook, not Kintone.
It is not available for scheduled tasks.