Job Runner

Calculate the Number of Months


Calculate the number of months between the start date and the end date.

The calculation result can be referred to in other Actions.


Specify the Start Date and End Date by date or datetime. You can also use expressions to specify values for the Date and Datetime fields.

If a Datetime field value is specified, the date is interpreted with the time zone setting set in Set Time Zone. Suppose you haven’t “Set Time Zone”, it will be JST. The time portion is not included in the calculation.

If the End Date exceeds the Start Date, the result will have a negative value.

When you execute an Action set to run “Calculate Month,” the result of that calculation is stored internally. You can calculate the month using a formula, for example, “=$1.”

If you set an empty value or incorrect date for the Start Date or End Date, an error will occur when the action is executed.


Set the Start Date, End Date, and Handling the Day of the Month.

Start Date

Specify the start date.

If you want to access the value of a “Date” field or a “Date and time” field, input the field code as shown in the example below:


Remember to use an equals sign (=) before the field code to access the value of that field.

If you want to specify the current date:


End Date

Specify the end date.

Like the Start Date, you can use the expressions to reference values in the Date and Datetime fields or specify the current date.

Handling the Day of the Month

If you set “Consider days in the month”, the End Date month will not be counted if it is “Day within a month of the Start Date” is greater than “Day within a month of the End Date'.

If you set “Ignore days in the month”, only the month is counted.

  • (Example) For Start Date 2019-01-15 and End Date 2019-09-10:
    • Considering the days in the month, it will be seven months.
    • Ignore days in the month means 8 months.
  • (Example) For Start Date 2019-01-15 and End Date 2019-09-20:
    • In both cases, it will be eight months.