Job Runner

Count Selection of Field of Records


Count the options selected in the specified field in the retrieved records.

The counted result can be used in another action.



Set Record, Field to Count, and How to Count Same Value


Open the list of Actions and select the Action that you used to retrieve the record to be calculated.

Field to Count

Select the field whose selection you want to count. The following field types are available:

  • Checkbox
  • Multi-choice
  • User selection
  • Department selection
  • Group selection

You cannot include fields that are within a table.

How to Count the Same Value

If you select “Count separatory the same value,” the number of selections will be counted regardless of the chosen value.

If you select “Count with one the same value”, even if two or more rows select the same value, they will be counted as one. In other words, we will count “how many different values are chosen”.

For example, if you have three records and the Field to Count values are:

  • Line 1: A, B, C
  • Line 2: X
  • Line 3: Y, Z, A

you can get results as follows:

  • If the same value counts separately, the count value is 7 (3 + 3 + 1)
  • If you count the same value as one, the count value is six (A, B, C, X, Y, Z. A appears twice, but counts as 1.)


  • If there are no records, the result will be zero. It will not be empty.

  • The result will be zero if there is more than one record but no selection.