Job Runner

Average of Field that Meets Criteria


Calculate the average value of a specified field for pre-retrieved records that meet a specified condition.

The calculated result can be used in another action.



Set the Record, Field to Calculate, Condition Decision Field, Criteria and Comparison Value.


Open the list of Actions and select the Action that you used to retrieve the record to be calculated.

Field to Calculate

Select the field for which you want to calculate the average. The following field types are available:

  • Number
  • Calculated

You cannot include fields that are within a table.

The Calculated field must contain only numeric values. Date, time, and date-time formats are not supported.

Condition Decision Field

From the fields in the app, select the field you want to use to determine the condition.

The following fields cannot be selected.

  • Attachment
  • Table
  • Related records
  • Filed group
  • Blank space

You cannot include fields that are within a table.


Choose a comparison method such as “equal to” or “greater than”.

Comparison Value

Comparison Value sets the value to compare with the field value. The comparison value can be one of the following values:


  • This Do does not perform rounding at the end of the calculation. Use another Do to round the calculation result, such as the Do Round Field Value

  • When calculating the average, the number of records serves as the denominator; however, this total includes rows with empty values in the “Field to Calculate.”


  • If there are no records, the result will be empty. It will not be zero.

  • The Calculated field with the date, time, and date-time formats are not supported for “Field to Calcurlate”.