ROUNDUP Function


Round up a number to the number with the specified number of digits.

Specify the original value in the first argument and the number of digits in the second argument.

If the number of digits is zero, the first decimal place is rounded up to the nearest integer. If the number is positive (N), the (N+1)th decimal place is rounded up to the nearest integer, and if the number is negative (-N), the Nth decimal place is rounded up to the nearest integer. The number of digits can be omitted; if it is omitted, it is the same as zero.

Usage Examples

${roundup(Number_1, 2)}

Example results according to the value of the Number_1 field
    Number_1 = 1.234 → 1.24
    Number_1 = 1.235 → 1.24
${roundup(Number_1, -2)}

Example results according to the value of the Number_1 field
    Number_1 = 1234 -> 1300
    Number_1 = 1254 -> 1300

The example below rounds up x to the nearest whole number.

= roundup(x)


When the original value is negative, rounding up results in an absolute value. This behaviour differs from the Round Up Fields feature.

For example:

  • roundup(-1.23, 0) results in -2
  • The result of rounding up -1.23 using the “Round Down Fields” method is -1.