COUNT Function


Take an array or string as an argument and return the number of elements for an array or the number of characters for a string. For arrays, empty element values are included in the count. Return zero if there are no elements in the array.

If you specify something that is neither an array nor a string as the argument, it returns zero if the value is empty and one if the value is empty.

Double-byte characters and emojis are counted as one character when the number of characters in a string is returned.

Similar to JavaScript .length, except that JavaScript .length counts emojis as two characters. It’s more like Python’s len function.

Usage Examples

The following example returns the value 3.

= count(['A', 'B', 'C'])

The following example shows how to return the number of users selected in the User selection field.

= count (User selected)

The following example returns the number of rows in the destination table.

= count(Table)

The following example returns the number of characters 12.

= count("Customine Application")

Comparison to the Previous Versions

The behavior of passing a string as an argument has changed in versions 1.137 (released on June 24, 2021) and earlier, and since version 1.138 (released on July 5, 2021).

Version 1.137 (released on June 24, 2021) and earlier returned 0 if the string was empty and one if it was not.

Version 1.138 (released July 5, 2021) and later returns the number of characters as described in this document.


  • Internet Explorer 11 does not support string-type arguments.