Error Code: CB_NO02

Not available service.

This error occurs when permissions are insufficient to access, add, or update records in Kintone. This error occurs when permissions are insufficient to access, add, or update records in Kintone. To resolve it, identify the following for each situation:

  • Which Kintone app is involved
  • Who is affected
  • What action they are trying to take After gathering this information, ensure the necessary permissions are assigned in Kintone.

For details on permission settings, refer to the Kintone help.

Examples of Customization in the Kintone App:

If certain users are unable to view, add, or edit records, follow these steps:

1. Verify whether these users have the necessary permissions: “Record Viewing,” “Record Addition,” and “Record Editing” for the Kintone app they are attempting to access.

2. Additionally, if the Kintone app is located within a space only accessible to its members, ensure that the user is a member of the space.

If certain users encounter an error when attempting to “Output Excel,” “Output PDF,” or “Output CSV”:

It may be due to a lack of “Record Viewing” permissions for the Kintone app specified in the template record.

Additionally, if you designate an attachment field as the output destination, you will need “Add Record” permissions for the Kintone app, where the data will be saved.

In summary, when customizing a Kintone app such as Output Excel, it is essential to ensure that the appropriate permissions are granted for the “source app for data records,” the “source app for template records,” and, if applicable, the “destination app” for the specified storage location.

Examples of Job Runner (Scheduled Tasks / Kintone App Webhook:

If an error occurs during “Output Excel,” “Output PDF,” or “Output CSV”:

Please note that, similar to customizing Kintone apps, you will need the API token for each Kintone app related to data records and template records.

Please be aware that the API tokens for both the source app and the related Kintone app are required. For more details, refer to the article on the support site.