This value already exists in another record.
Invalid JSON string.
Not available service.
Missing or invalid input.
The specified file (id: XXXXX) not found.
The revision is not the latest. Someone may update a record.
Failed to save changes due to a database lock. Please try again after some time.
Your operation was failed because the data was updated. Wait a while and try again.
Failed to get or update view. The name of view "XXXXX" is duplicated. Change the duplicate name to a unique name.
Failed to change the status. The settings or the status itself may have been changed by someone.
Invalid query specified.
The user, group, or department that is used to filter records does not exist. It may have been deleted.
The operator XXXXX is not available for the field type of the field XXXXX.
Cannot retrieve data from the data source. The key field in the datasource app must be prohibited duplicate values.
A value XXXXX in the field XXXXX does not exist in the datasource app for lookup, or you do not have permission to view the app or the field.
Your request failed because database is locked. Wait a while and try again.
Using this API token, you cannot run the specified API.
Failed to update status. Action XXXXX is duplicated.
Cannot create a cursor because the number of created cursors has reached the maximum limit. Delete unnecessary cursors, or wait a while and try again.
Please refresh the page. Someone has updated the record while you are editing.