
Check Range of Number


Checks a numeric range in a numeric field.

This is similar to the check in the “number” itself of kintone.

Unlike the kintone standard checks, combined with conditions allows for more complex checks.

How to use

Parameters to set

Set Field, Minimum, Maximum, and Error Message.


Select which fields to check.

  • If you select more than one field, all of them are checked individually.
  • If you specify a field in a table, in special cases (* 1), all rows in the table are checked.

(* 1) On the condition side, if there is a condition that restricts the table row, such as “When the value changes by editing the value of the field”, only those rows are checked.

Min Value

Enter the minimum value for that field.

Maximum value

Enter the maximum value for that field.

Error message

Enter the error message to display if there are errors.


You can only select one of the following types of fields:

  • Number
  • Calculation